
Solicitor Cho's Blog

The Law in Motion


Time to APPLY YOURSELF! - Home Office Fees Increase from 6 April 2015 [25 MAR 2015]

For those of you who were literally 'on the fence' about settling in the UK or becoming a BC (British Citizen), put your flip-flops on and form an orderly queue please! The dilemma is over; Apply Now - The timing has never been better.

The Home Office has confirmed by publication on 23 March 2015 that their Indicative Charges for the various immigration applications for 2015-2016 will now come into effect from 6 April 2015 with the cost of ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain, a.k.a. 'Settlement Visa') rising from £1,093 to £1,500 per person (*e.g. for Long Residence). See the full UKVI'S 'Tariff' here. There are increases in other types of applications, too, e.g. British Citizenship for adults (naturalisation) will increase form £906 to £1,005.

So - at the risk of sounding like an advert - Get clicking on that mouse if you want to save yourself a few hundred pounds!

Subject to your eligibility, get those applications in now! Anyone requiring legal representation and assistance with their application, feel free to email me marked 'Urgent'.

Warning ('the small print'): Must be able to speak English and know in some significant depth the political, cultural, geographical and natural history of England. Obviously.

Good luck.

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