
Solicitor Cho's Blog

The Law in Motion

Tier 1 Exceptional Talent/ Promise Guide 2017 [8 JAN 2017]

Happy New Year everyone!

Just a quick update to let you know that 2016 has been... what it was, and we all look forward to a golden 2017 for all!

Just before the year ended, in Nov 2016, I was asked by the Korean Cultural Centre London to present a workshop for Korean artists in the UK on the what, why, how etc. of Tier 1 Exceptional Talent/ Promise, among others. This gave me an opportunity research the whole of the UK immigration rules from an artist's point of view.

 The result looked pretty promising. Basically, there are more than 1 way to pursue your career in the UK as an artist, musician, film staff etc. As well as holding the workshop, I have written a detailed but practical guidance on the various routes to the UK as an artist which shall be available for viewing soon.

Finally, thank you all for your interest in my blog and for the email enquiries in the last year. I had no idea that this would be of so much interest to so many of you and glad I could be of some help. Please feel free to send me any queries or any feedback on other contents you would like to see.

For example, if there is a sufficient number of people interested, I could look into holding a webinar or a live Youtube channel where you could ask me questions on these visas!



Eunyoung Cho Comment
Tier 1 Entrepreneur - a.k.a. 'Business Visa' [16 Jun 2016]

Alright, so the House of Commons' Briefing from December 2015 shows a fairly comprehensive and clear picture of the 'business trends' in the UK. A quick glance at the 'business births' (new businesses) and 'Business deaths' (ceased trading) since 2000 shows a steady incline in the number of businesses (i.e. 243,000 rising to 351,000 in 2014) and the rate of increase (12% rising to 14% in 2014), while the 'business deaths' rate is at an all time steady at 10-11%  since 2001.

What I really wanted to talk about is just how you can 'get in on this action' if you are not from the UK, but you want to come over and start your own business.

Many of you will know about the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa route. Yes, the one which requires you to have either £200k of your own money to invest, or £50k or venture capitalist funding, or UKTI (UK Trade and Investment) endorsed 'Seed Funding Competition' or other UK government department which makes available from time to time some money for start ups...

There are many 'Seed Funding Competitions' around but which of these are actually 'endorsed' by the UKTI, right? Well, look no further! Here they are, fresh off the press (updated 19 April 2016) :

Eunyoung ChoComment
Biometrics Permit Card: After I receive my entry clearance, how quickly must I travel to the UK with it? [23 JUN 2015]

Immigration Rules Change Alert
So, if you have ever applied in the UK to extend your visa, then you are already aware of a Biometrics Residence Permit (BRP) Card.

As for for people coming to the UK with a new visa (i.e. entry clearance/ Leave to Enter) from outside the UK, then up until March 2015 you would simply receive a sticker ('vignette') on a blank page of your passport to ensure you are able to enter the UK for the purpose stated in that entry clearance. Depending on the type of visa you applied for, you could enter for anywhere from 6 months to indefinitely (lucky you!).

(click on this picture of sample BRP card for a link to the UKVI's information sheet on this Overseas Biometrics Residence Permit requirement).

Well, all of this is now going to change.
Anyone applying to come to the UK for longer than 6 months (i.e. other than visitors), you will still need to apply for the visa vignette from your home country in the same way. But once you receive this visa, you will immediately notice the date of your visa will be granted only for 30 days (yes - 30 days, even if you were supposedly granted let's say, 3 years leave as Tier 2 General worker). This is because there is now an extra step a migrant must take once they arrive in the UK, namely, once you arrive, you must arrange to collect this BRP card from a 'participating' post office. Ultimately, any new migrants coming to the UK for a period of longer than 6 months must: 

  1. Apply for entry clearance in the normal way from your home country;
  2. Once you receive your leave to enter vignette, this will be valid for 30 days (from the date you said you would like to travel to the UK on your application form);
  3. You MUST TRAVEL to the UK WITHIN THIS 30 DAYS (or your visa will expire);
  4. Arrive in the UK, and arrange to collect your BPR card as soon as possible - so for workers, collect this BRP Card before you start working for your sponsor and for students, collect this before you start your course at the university/ college. 

The thing about this change is that not every country is subjected to it. YET. This new policy is being phrased in at difference stages for different countries. See here for the UKVI's Roll-out schedule of this policy: 

This new BRP Card collection regime began being applied to Pakistani national applicants from 18 March 2015. 

Then from 15 April 2015, its application extended to 31 other countries listed in the Roll-out policy schedule.

From 31 May 2015, to 33 more countries also listed in the roll-out policy schedule.

Lastly, from 31 July 2015, it is intended to come into force for applicants from the rest of the world. So EVERYBODY will be subject to this rule from this date. 

Check your country list and make sure you plan your journey right. So the answer to the frequently asked, 'Once I get my visa, do I need to travel straight away or may I leave it for some time?' is simply - YES, you DO need to travel within the dates printed on your visa (usually 30 days).


Eunyoung ChoComment
한국의 TB 테스트 병원이 메스르에 노출되다면...? [17 JUN 2015]

요새 한국 병원 여러곳 에서 메르스 바이러스 노출의 위험이 있어서 병원문을 임시 닫는 곳도 있다고 들었습니다.

일단 외국에서 영국비자 신청을 할때 Tuberculosis (TB: 결핵 검사 진단서)를 받아서 제출해야 하는 국가들이 몇개 있습니다. 이 중 한국이 바로 그런 국가 중 하나 입니다. 한국에서는 총 2개의 병원이 영국이민국에서 원하는 결핵검사진단서를 발급해 줄수 있도록 지정 되어 있습니다. 이 2개의 병원은 현재 강남 세브란스 병원과 연세대 세브란스 병원 입니다.

최근에 의뢰인이 문의하신 내용때문에 저도 좀 더 자세히 알아 보게 되었는데요, 만약 이 2개워 병원 메르스 바이러스의 노출이 되어 있어서 병원 방문이 안전하지 못하다면, 그래서 갤핵검사진단서를 받이 못하는 상황에서는 어떻게 해야 하는지 문의하신 겁니다.

따라서 제가 영국 이민국에 문의한 내용에 대해 지난 6월 16일날 이메일로 받은 답을 여기에 공유 합니다. 읽어 보시면 알겠지만 아직까지는 이 2개의 병원이 위험하다거나 출입/ 방문금지령이 없기 때문에 공식적인 문제로 받아 들이지는 않고 있지만 만약 나중에라도 사정이 바뀌게 된다면, 한국의 병원에서 할수 없는 결핵검사진단서를 가까운 이웃나라에서 부터 받아서 제출해야 한다는 답을 받았습니다.

가장 가까운 나라는 아무래도 일본이겠지만, 일본은 TB Testing 제출 면제 국가임으로 일본내에서는 영국 이민국에서 지정한 결핵검사가능한 병원이 없습니다. 따라서 중국, 홍콩, 말레이시아, 캄보디아, 필리핀, 타일랜드, 베트남 등 입니다. 정확한 것은 영국 이민국 윕싸이트에 출판 되어 있는 TB Testing 필수 국가 리스트를 참고하시면 됩니다.

물론, 메르스 검출/ 노출이 걱정되어서 나라의 병원 출입도 하지 못하는 상황에서 잠깐 이웃나라로 출국했다가 다시 입국한다는 것이..... 과연 얼마나 현실성 있을지 많이 의심이 됩니다만... 아직까지 영국 이민국의 position 은 이렇습니다. 만약 메르스가 control 되지 못하고 점점 더 퍼져간다면 national pandemic 이 되어서 외국에서도 정책을 세우겠지요 (대부분의 경우, 한정된 기간동안 외국인 영국출입을 막는방법). 하지만 그렇게 까지 하기 전에 물론 하루 빨리 바이러스가 contain 되었으면 합니다.

Eunyoung ChoComment
What Makes a Good Lawyer [25 MAY 2014]

"What Makes a Great Lawyer?"
(Click on the Title above to go to the source.)
Paul Gilbert for The Lawyer - Oct 2011

"Being a great lawyer is about three things:

1.    Accepting unequivocally that it is not about you.

2.    Recognising that for all the law you know and the brilliance of your mind, what you know is just a ticket to ride, and finally and crucially…

3.    To be able to work inside the client’s head."

Eunyoung Cho